SKUS is a women-led national organization focused on amplifying the voice and leadership of children, girls and women from the grassroots level to the national level. SKUS has been implementing non-formal education with focus on women and girls and children with disabilities. In line with Inclusive Basic Education’s primary goal “All girls and boys aged 3 to 14 learn (ECCD, KG, Grade-1 & Grade-2) continuously in high-quality, safe and protective learning environments”, this program aims to respond to the education needs of 720 vulnerable children and adolescent boys and girls, between ages 3 to 14 at 30 CBLF (20 ECCD, 4 KG, 4 Grade-1 and 2 Grade-2) in camp 15 and 16. Out of these 720 children, 55% (396) will be girls and 2% (14) will be children with disabilities. Out of these direct beneficiaries, children of age 3-5 years will be benefited through Early Childhood Development (ECD) services and children of age between 3 to 5 will be benefited through basic education.
Furthermore, the programme will engage 360 parents/caregivers through parenting education modules which consist of 11 sessions and around 360 community members, specifically women and persons with disabilities, through awareness raising and community mobilization (18 parental education support group member and 360 community members will be reached through different awareness session and community engagement activities), 02 mentors and 39 teachers (09 Host teachers and 30 Rohingya teachers), with special focus on female teachers, will be reached through building their capacity of delivering quality inclusive education specific to the needs such as learning accessibility, learning material, facilitator’s facilitation, equal participation and learning sharing of the children. The programme will contribute to achieve the Joint Response Plan (JRP) 2023 of education sector targets in line with IBE objectives and outcomes